Our heart is to reach into the community that we minister in. If the peoples spiritual hearts can be changed then the rest of the body can be healed, delivered and changed. Also because hearts are turned toward God than the communities and cities will change for the better.
We give out Bibles as the Lord blesses us so people can have the Word in their hearts so it can cause change. As we are blessed we also give out food to the needy.
Whenever we hold services we never know what God will do. We see the anointed power of God working in signs, wonders and miracles. We obey God using all the gifts that God has given his people to minister like Jesus commanded in his word. We see people saved, healed and delivered and lives changed forever.
If you want to know more about us and what we do or come to our services and see a mighty end time move of God, feel free to contact us.

We believe in reaching out to people though mission works. God loves and works everywhere in the world. We support missions and want to be a part of some of the ministries and help them win souls for the Kingdom.
The missions we help are as follows.
Apostle Victoria Riverson in Ghana, Africa