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Apostle Victoria Riverson is located in the area of Accura, Ghana and has Covenant Rest Mission. She, her pastors and the others that help her are doing some wonderful blessed things for the Kingdom of God. With the moneys that she receives, she helps sponsors children to get an education. She builds new churches and missions and teaches pastors to do the work of God in their areas.

Victoria is an anointed woman of God with a great vision for her area in Africa. She contacts us and lets us know what is being done for the Kingdom of God with our money. As pictures of the work there are sent to us we will post some of them here. If you would like more information about Covenant Rest Mission or would like to support them, contact us.

Contact Us

Mailing Address:
Faith Hope Love Outreach Ministries
Kenneth & Sharon Cook
28380 Crescent Hill RD
Paola, Kansas 66071


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